
Web Work


Built using HTML, SASS, JavaScript, Git, Adobe Experience Manager – My role as the Senior Web Developer was to build custom pages and applications for marketing, manage global code updates for ChatBots, implement requests to the security headers to allow for third parties scripts to function, and implement features as needed.

Lady Gaga

Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Far East Movement

Site migration from WordPress to the Universal Music Proprietary Content Management System.


Built using custom HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash. The customized music player was built using Flash.

Music Production

The 500

The 500 – The Fan Soundtrack
Recorded by Bob Ferbrache at Studio Absinthe, Denver, CO
Composed By Daniel S. Blanes and Mark Brooks. Featuring Erica Brown.

The International Male

The International Male – Eurobeast
Recorded By Daniel S. Blanes and Roman Pietrs at Racebrook Lodge in the Berkshires, Sheffield, MA – www.rblodge.com
Produced and Composed By Daniel S. Blanes and Roman Pietrs
February, 2003.